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This FaceBook Live Bible Study will occur weekly on Patrick Wilson's FB page at 8:00 p.m.  It will be recorded live and can be replayed at a later time if you are unable to join us.

This study is based on Thomas Jay Oord's book, God Can't: How to Believe in God and Love After Tragedy, Abuse and Other Evils.  In this study, we will talk about the really hard stuff of life: unexpected death, global phenomonon, war, unintentional hardship, loss, and suffering.  We will ask the difficutl questions that surround these painful situations: Where is God?  Why does he let this happen?  Did God cause it?  How do we reconcile a loving God with such evil in the world and pain in our lives?

All are welcome to join with us in this study.  To join, be sure to friend Patrick Wilson on FaceBook and either participate live at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday nights or in real time on the video later on.