
1 Samuel 25:18-19, 23-27, 32-35
God Save the Queen (pt. 2: Abigail)

In this series, we will look at several of the wives and princesses in David's kingdom. We will see how they were not treated at equals and oftentimes taken advantage of or abused.

In this second message, we look at David's wife, Abigail, who was first married to a stingy and foolish man, Nabal. After David protected Nabal's flocks, he turned to the wealthy rancher for support and food for his men. Nabal refused and David wanted to kill him, but Abigail intervened, mediating the conflict and soothing David's anger. After Nabal died, David took Abagail into his family, married her, and cared for her. Likewise, we need to be people who seek reconciliation and help mediate conflictive situations.