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Are you reevaluating aspects of your faith in an effort to (re)consider what you believe? This is the process of deconstruction, and many people of faith today are expressing their doubts, asking hard questions, and exploring how faith meets life in our journey on this earth. This book club is a safe space to express those uncertainties and to find others who are on a similar journey.
We will meet on Monday, May 20th @ 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium at CrossRoads. We will have a light snack (provided) followed by a conversation over the topics brought out in Angela J. Herrington's book, Deconstructing Your Faith Without Losing Yourself. Angela does a masterful job of bringing her skills as a trauma life coach to the conversation about unpacking our faith and religious experiences. Through this book, we will explore give you permission to trust yourself, ways to discover new perspectives and information, learn how to embrace vulnerable exploration and self-compassion, and release unhealthy beliefs that are harming you and other marginalized persons around you.
Reading the book is not a requirement to attending or participating. In addition, the book club is open to people of any faith or no faith at all. You do not need to be a part of CrossRoads to attend this event. It is open to the public and anyone who would like to join with us.
For those that are unable to attend in person, we invite you to read the book with us. You can share your thoughts and questions with Patrick Wilson to be shared with the group at the book club meeting and/or set up a one-on-one time to visit about the book in person, over the phone, or through chat/text. We'd love your input on the book and how it challenges and shapes your faith journey.